
Using ES6 with gulp

How to build ES6 with gulp+rollup+babel+eslint+terser

Jonathan Van Eenwyk

1 minute read

For vihanti.com, we’re using gulp as our build system instead of hugo (which is what this site uses), because it allows us to take advantage of the latest goodness available through npm. I really wanted to use ES6 for this project, but I found it a little tricky to find the best way to get minified JS with ES6. The important thing here is that we’re using rollup to both process the ES6 code and minify it using terser. I tried using babelify and uglify, but I ran into trouble with…

Hosting with ZEIT

GitHub Pages is amazing, but ZEIT Now is even better

Jonathan Van Eenwyk

1 minute read

GitHub Pages is awesome. In fact, that’s what this site is hosted on. It’s easy, it’s free. What’s not to love? So when I thought about refreshing our website at Vihanti Digital Services, I assumed that’s what I’d use as well.