Privacy Policies and Terms of Service

A better way to privacy policy bliss

Jonathan Van Eenwyk

1 minute read

If you’ve ever tried to add a privacy policy or terms of service to your website, you know the pain. Just try searching for “privacy policy template” in Google, and you’ll be overwhelmed with “free generators” that are only sort of free. Not only do they intentionally leave out the important parts of the policy unless you pay, many of them also seem quite poorly written.

Animated particles in page banner

Put some snazz in a banner using particles

Jonathan Van Eenwyk

1 minute read

Wanting to add some movement to our refreshed website, I found particles.js which I figured just might do the trick. But I didn’t want it over the whole site–just in the header banner. After tweaking the particles and downloading the json config, it was actually pretty simple!

Expanding letters animation

How to animate an expanding title with CSS

Jonathan Van Eenwyk

2 minute read

For, I really wanted some animations that would capture our “Creativity Unleashed” slogan. After exploring GSAP and AniCollection and still not finding anything, I finally designed my own animation around letter-spacing and opacity. I think it turned out really cool!