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Hindi Conditionals

·3 mins

I’ve been digging deep into Hindi’s conditional (if-then) phrases recently. My coursework has included several different styles of conditionals, but I been struggling to get my head around the implied nuance of each construction. A few articles on (great site!) have been very helpful:

Still, I can’t seem to find a resource that lists the different cases in a concise format. So here’s my attempt to consolidate them. Disclaimer: I’m just a Hindi language learner. :)

Naunced Meaning If (अगर/यदि)… then (तो)… Example
high probability Future Future अगर आप भारत जायेंगे तो ताज महल देखेंगे। If you will go to India, (then) you will see the Taj mahal.
lesser probability Past Future अगर तुमने सुबह चाय नहीं पी तो सिर दर्द होगा। If you don’t drink tea in the morning, (then) you might have a headache.
contrafactual (imagining, dreaming, very little, if no probability) Subjunctive Contrafactual Non-Aspect (ता/ती/ते) Subjunctive Contrafactual Non-Aspect (ता/ती/ते) अगर राहुल लॉटरी जीतता तो सब को मकान देता। If Rahul won the lottery, (then) he would give everyone a house.
contrafactual (past looking) Subjunctive Contrafactual Past Aspect
(Past + होता/होती/होते)
Subjunctive Contrafactual Past Aspect
(Past + होता/होती/होते)
अगर तुमने मेहनत की होती तो परीक्षा में पास होते। If you had worked hard, (then) you would have passed the examination.
contrafactual (past continuous) Subjunctive Contrafactual Past Aspect
(Past Continuous + होता/होती/होते)
Subjunctive Contrafactual Past Aspect
(Past Continuous + होता/होती/होते)
अगर मैं बाहर न काम कर रहा होता तो मुझे इतना पसीना नहीं आ रहा होता। If I hadn’t been working outside, then I wouldn’t be sweating so much.
contrafactual (present habitual) Subjunctive Contrafactual Habitual Aspect
(Present Habitual + होता/होती/होते)
Subjunctive Contrafactual Habitual Aspect
(Present Habitual + होता/होती/होते)
अगर तुम हिंदी सीखते होते तो तुम हिंदी जानते होते। If you had studied Hindi (regularly), then you would know Hindi.
Present Present अगर आप यहाँ आना चाहते हैं तो आप आ सकते हैं। If you wish to come here, (then) you can come here.
Present Future अगर आप में साहस है तो आप सब कुछ कर सकेंगे। If you have courage, (then) you can do everything.
Future Present अगर आप पढ़ेंगे तो आप सफल हो सकते हैं। If you will study, (then) you can be successful.
possibility, condition, hypothetical statement, opinion, desire, duty, or obligation Subjunctive Present अगर आप समय पर आयें तो हम समय पर काम खत्म कर सकते हैं। If you come on time, (then) we can finish the work on time.
" Subjunctive Future अगर सब ठीक हो जाए तो हम घर जल्दी जायेंगे। If everything goes well, (then) we will go home early.
" Subjunctive Subjunctive अगर आप मेहनत करें तो आप सफल हों। If you work hard, (then) you might be successful.
" Subjunctive Imperative अगर आप हिन्दी सीखना चाहें तो इस किताब को पढ़िए। If you want to learn Hindi, (then) please read this book.

Other resources: